The equipments were purchased according to the Hungarian tender regulations before 2005. The last (5th) one was advertised after the admittance of Hungary by the European Union. This 5th tender had to be advertised and evaluated according to the EU tender regulations. This modification has resulted in considerable delay in the process.

Altogether 116 different kinds of equipments have been installed into the regional laboratories and top institutions supported by the PHARE programme:

  1. Sophisticated analytical equipments: Capillary sequencer of 36 capillary tubes (2 pcs); DNA spotter and chip reader (1 pc); Mass spectrometer (1 pc); Laser confocal microscope (1 pc); Cryogenic deep freezers of 132 oC (7 pcs); Classical Column Chromatography equipment (1 pc); Inverted microscopes with micromanipulators (2 pc) for separation of parasites as well as cloned cells and viruses; Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis equipment (12 pcs); Photodocumentation systems with UV-transilluminator (13 pcs); PCR with heating blocks both for microplates and tubes (7 pc); PCR incubators for tubes (13 pcs); Simple PCR incubators (7 pcs); Double-door through type autoclaves for the BSL4 laboratory (2 pc); Electroporators (3 pcs);
  2. High throughput equipments for routine diagnostic work: Refrigerated superspeed centrifuges (2 pc); Automatic nucleic acid purification units (4 pcs); Fully automated ELISA system for the nation-wide seroepidemiological surveys; Gel electrophoresis units with power supply for the simultaneous analysis of more than 20 samples; Eppendorf-type centrifuges for the purification of nucleic acids (44 pc); Automatic media filling systems into Petri dishes and tubes (8 and 5 pcs); sterile tents for sterile work with the filling systems (4 pcs); Electroluminometer for routine diagnostic (4 pcs).
  3. Routine diagnostic equipment for rapid molecular detection of viruses and bacteria: UV-visible double beam spectrophotometers (8 pcs); Electrophoresis units with power supply (21 pcs); Horizontal electrophoresis units (mini) (25 pcs); Vertical electrophoresis units (4 pcs); Immunoelectrophoresis units (8 pcs); Vacuum-blotting equipments (5 pcs); Semi-dry vacuum blotting equipments (5 pcs); Real-time PCR equipments for rapid semi-quantitative detection of nucleic acids (13 pcs); Table-top clean chambers for the preparation of PCR reagents (17 pcs); Liquid nitrogen storage vessels (19 pcs) and transport vessels for the long term storage of cell cultures and micro-organisms (13 pcs); Micro ELISA systems with incubator shakers (25 pcs); Excentric microplate shakers (6 pc); Semi-automatic microbiological identification systems (8 pcs); biological pH meters with ion selective electrodes (2 pcs); Biological pH meters (8 pcs); 
  4. Routine laboratory equipment for the replacement of the East European products: Class II Laminar Air-flow cabinets for BSL2 safety containment (47 pcs); Table-top laminar air flow cabinets (13 pcs); Low speed laboratory centrifuges for the separation of serum samples and preparation of samples for virus cultivation (43 pcs); Laboratory micro-centrifuges (40 pcs); UV/light microscopes with TV cameras for immunofluorescent microscopy (14 pcs); Microscopes with trinocular tubes (7); UV/light fluorescent microscopes with classical quarz optical systems (12 pcs); Inverted microscopes for the examination of tissue culture cells (14 pcs); Stereo microscopes for the examination of bacterial colonies (7 pcs); Software for image analysis (14 pcs); Densitometers for the measurement of the densities of bacterial cultures (11); CO2 incubators (29 pcs); Incubators for anaerobic and capnofilic bacteria (12 pcs); Classical incubators (15 pcs); Excentric shakers (vortex) for Laminar Air Flow Cabinets and PCR equipments (44 pc); Safety gas burners (fire boys) for each Laminar Air Flow Cabinet (51 pcs); Digital balances for each centrifuge (32 pc); Digital Precision Balance for each Department and BSL4 laboratory (14 pcs); Anaerobic boxes with safety gloves (8 pcs); Refrigerators of +4 oC (27 pcs); Freezers of 20 o C (43 pcs); Deep freezers of -80 o C (25 pcs); Ice makers (11 pcs); High capacity vacuum concentrators with freeze drying system (2 pcs); Freeze drying systems (3 pcs); Table top concentrators (3 pcs); Autoclaves of 180 L with vertical doors (19 pcs); Table top autoclaves of 90 L one or two for each Department (26 pcs) for sterilisation of disposable equipment before use; Washers for laboratory glassware and equipment (13 pcs); Dry heat sterilizers (24 pcs); Split air-conditioners of different capacity (42 pcs); Water purification reverse osmosis systems (7 pcs); Water purification system for ultrapure water (1 pc); Peristaltic pumps (7); Vacuum pumps without oil (17 pcs); Transportable pH meters (9 pcs); Air samplers, centrifugal (3 pcs); Air samplers with filters (8 pcs); Heated water bath (14 pcs);

In addition to the one- or two-week trainings offered by the manufacturers according to the tender advertisements, short term (1 week) and long term (more than one month) fellowships have been offered for the co-workers in order to visit different institutions which possess experts in the fields to be studied.

Finally, a twinning light project (for 118,000) has been won by the Ministry of Northern Westfalen in Germany, who have prepared an excellent review on the Hungarian epidemiological situation in comparison to those of 5 EU member states.
Eight experts visited one or more times Hungary and gave lectures of high scientific level on the fields, we plan to introduce or continue utilising the PHARE investments.
Trainings have been also held on the laboratory technologies required under the working conditions of BSL4 and BSL3 facilities.

This is to thank for the European Union for the PHARE projects, and for the support promoting the Hungarian microbiological diagnostic activities. 

The official permission for the start of the BSL4/BSL3 work was obtained by 26th of June 2006. The authorities have recommended a test operation of 180 days with inocuous organisms. Vaccine-like live polioviruses have been introduced into the laboratory first with the necessary tissue culture work.

Wild polioviruses isolated before 1973 in the country have been transferred from the previous laboratories into a deep freezer located within the hypotonic laboratory region of the BSL4 facility.

Following the request of the European Headquarter of WHO two shipments of vaccine associated paralytic poliomyelitis were mailed in July to the Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, Georgia for the molecular examination of the viruses. These viruses will contribute to the next phases of the global eradication of poliomyelitis guided by the WHO.

A cikk oldalai:  1  2 

    Aktuális témák

Európai PP vizsgálat
Számlaszám változás!!!
Meningococcus tájékoztató
A Zikavírus-járványról
Sárgaláz elleni védőoltás
A fejtetű elleni védekezés
Ágyipoloska - GYIK
A kullancsokról
Chlamydia – ECDC útmutató
Kórházi jelentések
OSZIR útmutatók

    Adatok, adatbázisok

Fertőző betegségek
Szexuálisan terjedő fertőzések
Kórházi fertőzések
Irtószerek adatbázisa


    VÉRVÉTEL-HIV/AIDS tanácsadás


    Szakmai információk

Módszertani levelek
Jelentendő betegségek
OKNE tájékoztató
HIV és a HCV gyorstesztek
Laboratóriumi surveillance
Multirezisztens kórokozók
Fogászati infekciókontroll
Clostridium difficile
KÖR eredmények

    Mikrobiológiai laboratóriumok

Jártassági körvizsgálat 2017
Körvizsgálati tájékoztató
Mikrobiológiai körlevél
Referencia Laboratóriumok
NEMZETKÖZI körvizsgálat

    A Törzsközpont (HNCMB)


A kézfertőtlenítés fázisai
Fertőtlenítőszerek listája


Fertőző betegségek
Európai Védőoltási Hét
Európai Antibiotikum Nap
IMI és az ADVANCE projekt

    Lakossági tájékoztatók




Az ECDC működése
ECDC hírek
Az ECDC publikációi


    Pályázati hírek

    Az OEK álláspályázatai